Monday 6 August 2012

8 Health Benefits of Strawberries

Everyone knows that strawberries are delicious. However, did you know just what a nutritional powerhouse they are? Here are eight reasons to include strawberries in your diet.
One cup of strawberries contains over 13% of the RDA of dietary fiber, yet only 43 calories. The dietary fiber in strawberries helps to keep digestion regular, as well as lowers blood pressure and curbs overeating.
Strawberries contain a chemical compound called phenols. Anthocyanin, a particular phenol abundantly found in strawberries, lends the rich red color to the fruit. Though anthocyanin is known to have antioxidant properties within the fruit, it is debated as to whether the antioxidant agents in anthocyanin-rich foods can be absorbed into the body once digested. Fortunately, however, it is known that when anthocyanin-rich foods are consumed, the body's uric acid levels increase, which serves as an antioxidant agent.
Anti-Inflammatory The phenols in strawberries also fight against many inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis, asthma and atherosclerosis, by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) in the same way that the drugs aspirin and ibuprofen do. Strawberries, however, do not carry unwanted side effects like stomach and intestinal bleeding.
Anti-Cancer The combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents found in strawberries is well-known to fight against the onset of many different forms of cancer. Thanks to the vitamin C, folate, and the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol that they also contain, strawberries are a delicious defense against potentially cancerous cells.
Healthy Eyes The Archives of Opthalmology recently published a study in which three or more servings of strawberries (and other fruits) per day can decrease the possibility of contracting age-related macular degeneration by over one-third.
The Vigorous Vitamin C One cup of strawberries contains an incredible 136% of the RDA of vitamin C, an effective antioxidant that can help lower blood pressure, ensure a healthy immune system, and ward off the development of age-related ocular diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
Magnificent Manganese One cup of strawberries contains 21% of manganese, an essential nutrient that acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. By increasing the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), the enzyme responsible for protecting mitochonrdria exposed to oxygen, manganese not only helps to fight the battle against free radicals and oxidative stress, but also lessens cellular inflammation -- another cause of numerous cardiovascular diseases.
Bone Health Manganese is also great for the bones, helping in bone building and maintaining proper bone structure. The potassium, vitamin K, and magnesium in strawberries are also important for bone health
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9 Health Benefits of Kale

20 Health Benefits of Turmeric

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Tumeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it was most likely first used as a dye.
The medicinal properties of this spice have been slowly revealing themselves over the centuries. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer's disease.
Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:
1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.
2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
6. Is a natural liver detoxifier.
7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.
8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.
9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.
10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.
11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.
12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management
13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.
16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.
Turmeric can be taken in powder or pill form. It is available in pill form in most health food stores, usually in 250-500mg capsules.
Once you start using turmeric on a regular basis, it's fun to find new ways to use it in recipes. My favorite way to use it is to add a pinch of it to egg salad. It adds a nice flavor and gives the egg salad a rich yellow hue.
Contraindications: Turmeric should not be used by people with gallstones or bile obstruction. Though turmeric is often used by pregnant women, it is important to consult with a doctor before doing so as turmeric can be a uterine stimulant.
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11 Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea is usually green tea blended with jasmine flowers, though oolong or white tea may be used as well. The jasmine flowers add a subtle, sweet flavor and aromatic scent. Made for over seven centuries, it is China's most popular flavored tea.
Here are 11 health benefits of jasmine tea:
Cancer Prevention
The high antioxidant levels in jasmine tea help fight off damage caused by free radical activity in the body. All green teas, jasmine included, contain EGCG, a compound that has been found in many studies to have anti-cancer properties.
High In Antioxidants
Unfermented tea is a better source of antioxidants than fermented teas like black tea and oolong. The notable antioxidants found in jasmine tea are called catechins. Catechins have been the focus of many studies that link them to reduced cancer risk and the prevention of heart disease.
Heart Health
Jasmine tea may contribute to good cardiovascular health in a variety of ways. It helps to keep cholesterol and blood pressure low and prevents oxidative stress. The antioxidants in jasmine tea have been linked to a reduced risk of heart attacks and heart disease.
Lowers Cholesterol
Drinking jasmine tea every day has been associated with reduced levels of cholesterol.
It may help to regulate blood sugar levels. Numerous studies have linked green tea to the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
Digestive Aid
Jasmine tea helps the intestines flush the body of harmful toxins.
Boosts Immune System
Drinking jasmine tea may help boost the immune system and help protect against cold, flu and other illnesses.
Reduces Stress
Drinking jasmine tea calms and relaxes the body. Considered a gentle sedative, it is believed to be a great stress relief aid.
One study showed that jasmine tea helps protect the body from chronic inflammation, which may lower the risk of heart disease and arthritis while also soothing minor aches and pains.
A study conducted at Kansas State University showed that jasmine tea can inhibit the growth of bacteria such as salmonella and listeria.
Weight Loss
Jasmine tea is widely regarded as a useful weight loss aid, though no significant scientific research supports this claim.
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10 Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

Ginger root is a common culinary spice that has also been used medicinally for thousands of years. Ginger tea is made from ginger steeped in hot water. It offers a spicy, stimulating flavor and great nutritional value.
Here are 10 health benefits of ginger tea:
Heart Health  Ginger tea may help reduce the risk of blocked arteries, a common cause of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. It increases circulation and supports good blood flow. Some studies show that drinking ginger tea regularly can also help reduce cholesterol levels, essential for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.
Cancer Treatment Preliminary studies show that ginger may help shrink cancerous tumors and lesson the risks of cancer spreading in patients in remission. Other studies have shown ginger to kill ovarian cancer cells and slow the growth of colon cancer cells. Ginger may also be a useful treatment for nausea associated with cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. More studies are necessary to prove the effectiveness of ginger and ginger tea in cancer treatment.
Digestive Aid Ginger tea aids in the absorption and digestion of food after eating. It helps the body release gastric acids necessary for digestion and may help soothe stomachache and ease the bloating often associated with overeating.
Ginger contains an active compound called zingiber, which kills salmonella and other types of bacteria. Additionally, the commonly consumed lemon-ginger version of ginger tea provides two more bacteria fighting compounds from its lemon content: limonene and pectin.
Ginger tea may offer antiviral properties. It is believed that fresh ginger destroys virus cells that cause the common cold and flu.
Respiratory Health Ginger tea may be beneficial for a variety of respiratory conditions. Often used to treat colds, coughs and soar throat, it loosens phlegm and helps the lungs expand properly.
Anti-Inflammatory Used as a soak, ginger tea can reduce swelling and ease the pains associated with joint and bone discomfort such as rheumatoid arthritis. It is recommended as a treatment for athlete's foot to ease the discomfort of burning and itching.
Soothes Menstrual Discomfort Drinking ginger tea can ease the painful cramps associated with female menstruation. A warm cloth drenched in ginger tea and then placed over the uterine area is believed to relax muscles and ease menstrual discomfort as well.
Reduces Stress Ginger tea has a natural calming quality that is known to help reduce stress levels.
Immune System Support
The antioxidants in ginger tea help support an active, healthy immune system.
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9 Health Benefits of Raw Honey

Many of the substances that make honey so good for the health are lost through the various types of processing that most honey undergoes. This includes heating and the skimming of bee resin, which is full of highly nutritious phytonutrients. Honey is best consumed raw if you want to get the most out of it for your health.
Here are 9 health benefits of raw honey:
Cancer Prevention Many of the substances lost during honey processing have been shown to have anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. These phytonutrients are thought to be particularly useful against colon cancer. Though honey remains a topic of intense cancer research, more is needed to prove the effectiveness of honey in treating and preventing cancer.
Raw honey is a great antiseptic when applied to wounds. It promotes healing and fights infection.
Antibacterial and Antiviral Honey contains enzymes and antioxidants proven to fight viral and bacterial infections such as bronchitis, flu, cold, cough and sore throat. Raw honey contains an even richer density of these substances than processed honey.
Raw honey is a much better antioxidant than that of processed honeys. Most of the vital antioxidants honey provides are found in the bee resin that is lost when honey is skimmed or heated.
Immune System Support  Taken daily, the many phytonutrients and antioxidants provided by raw honey are believed to offer great support for the immune system.
Energy Booster Raw honey can boost energy levels through its supply of natural carbohydrates and sugars.
Healthier Sweetener Studies show that raw honey is a much safer sweetener for diabetics and people with high cholesterol. Honey raises glucose levels at a much slower rate than cane sugar and artificial sweeteners and may even help reduce cholesterol slightly.
Skin Health Applied topically, raw honey can help cure acne and treat many different skin condition including rash, burns, cuts and abrasions as well as fungal conditions like ringworm.
Digestive Aid Raw honey helps cleanse the liver and intestines, supports proper stomach function and fights infection in the digestive tract.
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