Tuesday 7 August 2012

7 Health Benefits of Ginseng

Ginseng is a perennial plant that grows in the harsh conditions of Siberia as well as many other parts of Asia. Traditionally used in Chinese Medicine to treat male sexual dysfunction (among other ailments), it has many medicinal properties.
Here are 7 health benefits of ginseng.
Cancer Prevention Ginsenosides are compounds within ginseng that may help prevent and treat cancer. It is suspected that they reduce cancer cell activity inside the body.
Brain Health Ginseng helps to boost mental capabilities by stimulating the brain cells. It is also thought to curb mental stress by lowering anxiety levels.
Energy Booster Ginseng increases oxygen use and regulates the metabolism, which has been shown to increase energy levels.
Blood Pressure Ginseng contains andaptogen, a compound that regulates blood pressure.
Weight Loss Research suggests that ginseng affects the way the body metabolizes carbohydrates. It is also believed that there is an extract in ginseng that helps the body to get rid of excess fat. Ginseng may also be effective as a natural appetite suppressant. More scientific research is needed to confirm how effective ginseng may be in aiding with weight loss.
Diabetes Control Consuming ginseng on a regular basis may help to manage blood sugar levels. Studies have found that ginseng may actually lower blood sugar levels after a meal.

Menstruation Relief Ginseng tea reduces the pain of severe menstrual cramps while soothing the stomach. It also helps to lessen the intensity and frequency the cramps.
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11 Health Benefits of Mullein

Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a popular natural remedy most often used to treat respiratory disorders since ancient times, but it also has many other medicinal uses.
It is sometimes called Common Mullein, Great Mullein, or, in the western U.S., "cowboy toilet paper," because its leaves make good toilet paper in a pinch.
Mullein is sold as tea, in supplement form, and in drops and tinctures. You can buy loose leaf mullein leaves to make your own tea or to make your own pastes to use topically on the skin. Better yet, grow your own in your home garden! The leaves, stems, and flowers are edible but the seeds are toxic and contain a natural pesticide so be sure to avoid eating them.
Here are 11 health benefits of mullein.
Tuberculosis Treatment Mullein was used as a treatment for tuberculosis in Europe as far back as the 16th century. One experiment in the 19th century found that mullein improved the symptoms of six out of seven TB patients at St. Vincent's hospital in Dublin, Ireland. Some believed that mullein, if used in the early stages of the disease, could bring about a full recovery.
Today, it is known that mullein has anti-bacterial and expectorant properties, both of which are needed in the treatment of TB. Although it has not been studied extensively against mycobacteria, the bacteria that causes tuberculosis, it has been studied against other bacteria with great success and other plants of the same species as mullein have been specifically studied against mycobacteria with positive results.
More studies are needed but the case for mullein as a natural treatment for TB is promising based on historical evidence and modern studies.
Cold and Flu As mentioned above, mullein has expectorant and anti-bacterial properties, which make drinking mullein tea helpful if you have a cold or flu with lots of congestion. According to researchers, it is the saponins in mullein that give it its expectorant properties. Mullein also helps to reduce the amount of mucus that is produced by the body.
Allergies, Asthma, & Bronchitis Mullein is a great treatment for allergies, asthma, and bronchitis for the same reasons that it helps with TB, colds, and flu - it is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, a natural expectorant, and reduces phlegm.
Ear Infection Studies have found that mullein flower oil works as a natural remedy against ear infections. It is believed that this may be due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
Anti-Inflammatory Mullein is a natural anti-inflammatory thanks to the verbascoside it contains. Verbascoside is a phenylethanoid and caffeic acid sugar ester.
Anti-Bacterial As mentioned in the section about TB, mullein contains natural anti-bacterial properties. This is due at least in part to the verbascoside. Studies have found that verbascoside works particulary well against Staph infections.
Digestive Health Drinking mullein has been found to help a number of digestive problems including diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, and bladder infections. It is also sometimes used to get rid of intestinal worms.
Mullein has anti-spasmodic properties that help with menstrual cramps or stomach cramps associated with gastric distress.
Sedative Effects Mullein has natural sedative benefits and may be helpful in the treatment of insomnia and anxiety.
Skin Soothing Applying mullein oil directly to irritated areas of skin may help you to find relief from the discomfort associated with conditions such as a rash, burns, cuts or blisters. Because mullein is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, it will also help with any skin conditions caused by bacteria or inflammation.
Joint Pain Relief The anti-inflammatory effects of mullein can help to ease the pain associated with joint or muscle pain by reducing inflammation and swelling.
To find out about any side effects of mullein, see Side Effects of Mullein.
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7 Health Benefits of Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is a partially oxidized, partially fermented tea made from the same leaves and buds of the Camellia sinensis plant as other true tea. The name "oolong" comes from the Chinese and means "black dragon tea." There are many different varieties of oolong tea and thus, a wide range of flavors and aromas, from sweet and fruity to deeply earthy and woody. The fermentation process of making oolong dilutes its nutritional value compared to green and white tea, however it remains an extremely healthy beverage.
Here are 7 health benefits of oolong tea:
Cancer Prevention The antioxidants in oolong are not as potent as in white or green tea, but remain a powerful ally in cancer prevention. They reduce the risks of free radical damage to cells and DNA, a well known contributor to many different varieties of cancer.
High In Antioxidants Though fermentation reduces the concentration of antioxidants in tea, oolong remains a very good source of these essential compounds. One study suggests that steeping oolong longer, in hotter water, may increase its antioxidant benefits.
Cardiovascular Health A study at Kyoto University in Japan linked drinking oolong tea with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. The study found that drinking as little as one to six cups of oolong per week resulted in a 38% risk reduction in men and a 22% risk reduction in women. The tea is believed to help lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels.
Weight Loss and Obesity Prevention Research shows that polyphenol compounds derived from oolong has anti-obesity effects in tests with mice. Oolong tea is believed to increase the metabolism and help the body to burn fat.
Skin Health One study found that drinking oolong tea is an effective treatment for dermatitis. The powerful antioxidants in tea help remove toxins from the skin that contribute to age related blemishes such as spots and wrinkles. Oolong may also help to protect the skin from sun damage caused by ultra violet radiation.
Energy Boost The small amounts of caffeine in oolong tea can provide a good energy boost without the energy crashes that often follow drinking coffee that is often loaded with sugar and cream.
Bone Health Research suggests that drinking tea over long periods of time may help to increase the mineral density of bones and help prevent osteoporosis.
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17 Foods That Prevent Breast Cancer

About 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer by the age of 95. Genetics play a strong role in some cases, but lifestyle and dietary factors may also play a role in many cases. Here are 17 foods that may help prevent breast cancer or, once the cancer has developed, prevent it from spreading.
In one study of mice, researchers found that turmeric helped to prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs.
According to one study, the phytochemicals in blueberries work together to stop the growth and spread of triple-negative breast cancer, which carries a poorer prognosis than other forms of breast cancer.
Tomatoes are high in lycopene, which has been found to lower the risk of breast cancer.
Avocados are high in oleic acid, which studies have found to prevent cancer.
Red Wine Consumed in moderation, red wine is believed to lower the risk of breast cancer. However, drinking more than two alcoholic drinks per day may increase the risk of breast cancer so moderation is the key.
Red wine has also been found to significantly reduce the effects of radiation in women undergoing radiation therapy for cancer. One study found that the resveratrol in red wine makes the cancer cells more susceptible to radiation treatment while protecting the healthy cells from damage. (See our Red Wine Protects Against Radiation Exposure for more details.) Spinach One study found that women who ate spinach at least twice a week had half the rate of breast cancer as women who didn't eat spinach.
Studies show that grapefruit may inhibit breast cancer cells from proliferating.
Dark Cherries Studies in rats found that a compound in cherries may inhibit breast cancer.
A study at UC Berkeley found that a diet high in kelp lowered serum estradiol levels in women and had phytoestrogenic properties. Sea vegetables also contain chlorophylones, fatty acids that may help in the prevention of breast cancer. In addition, kelp contains fucoidan, which has been found in studies to induce apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells.
Research has found that artichoke leaf extract induces apoptosis (cell death) and reduces cell proliferation in many types of cancer, including breast cancer. One Italian study found that the flavanoids in artichokes reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Brussels Sprouts Brussels sprouts and all other cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates which are powerful cancer fighters. Brussels sprouts appear to have the most beneficial combination of glucosinolates when it comes to warding off breast cancer and other types of cancer.
Pomegranate Juice Promising research in Israel shows that pomegranate juice destroys breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. Pomegranate juice may also prevent new breast cancer cells from forming.
Flaxseed Oil Flaxseeds contain high levels of lignans, which protect against . Lignans may protect against estrogen-dependent cancers.
Green Tea Studies show that drinking green tea lowers the risk of developing breast cancer and prevents it from spreading in women who have already have the disease. This is due to a compound in green tea called EGCG.
Studies show that garlic eradicates breast cancer cells in testHave some garlic with that meat. Research has found that cooking garlic with meat reduces the carcinogenic chemicals in cooked meat that may be linked to breast cancer.
Broccoli contains indole-3-carbinol, a chemical that fights breast cancer by converting the type of estrogen that causes cancer into a more cancer-protective type of estrogen.
Like broccoli, cauliflower is a great source of indole-3-carbinol.
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Cinnamon For Blood Sugar Control

Studies have found that cinnamon may be great for blood sugar control. Here are 6 ways cinnamon may help regulate glucose and protect from the ill effects of diabetes.
Slows Stomach Emptying Rate Cinnamon can reduce rising blood sugar levels after meals because it slows the rate in which your stomach empties after you eat.
Increases Glucose Metabolism Research suggests that cinnamon helps the body process glucose at very high rates. In one study, patients consumed 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon per day. After 40 days, blood sugar levels were reduced by 24%.
Increases Insulin Activity & Production
Molecules called polyphenolic polymers found in cinnamon are believed to cause the body to produce more insulin. More insulin helps remove excess sugar from the blood. One study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, showed that compounds found in cinnamon extracts may increase insulin activity in the body 20-fold.
Stimulates Insulin Response Test tube and animal studies show that cinnamon stimulates insulin receptors, which allows the body to respond better to insulin, thus normalizing blood sugar levels. These studies also suggest that cinnamon may inhibit enzymes that inactivate insulin receptors, which increases the body's ability to process glucose. Rats given a daily supplement of cinnamon absorbed 17% more glucose than rats not fed the supplement.
Possible Substitute For Insulin More studies are needed to prove exactly how effective cinnamon may be in combatting diabetes, but many researchers already believe that it may be a natural, effective supplement for insulin. This may be particularly beneficial to patients with type 2 diabetes, who may react poorly and even develop resistance to insulin medication.
Enhances Antioxidant Defenses Cinnamon is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, preventing oxidation better than almost any other spice. Antioxidants have proven essential to ones health for a variety of reasons, including diabetic care.
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How to Make a Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil packs are used as a natural remedy for many different conditions. They are most well-known as a remedy prescribed by American psychic Edgar Cayce for various conditions. They are said to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, help liver function, reduce pain, and aid in digestion. Here's how to make a castor oil pack in five easy steps.
1. Cut some flannel to the desired size. It is a good idea to keep the flannel less than 8-10 inches across.
2. Soak the flannel in the castor oil and then place it in a large Ziploc bag. Or, alternatively, the oil can be covered with a plastic sheet.
3. Place the castor oil pack on the area that needs to be treated and cover it with a hot water bottle. Allow the castor oil pack to sit for at least 45 minutes.
4. When the time is up, clean the treated area with water.
5. The castor oil pack may be stored in the fridge and it can be reused up to 25 times.
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6 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is made by adding sugar and fat to cocoa. Cocoa, a powder made from the nutrient rich seeds of the cacao tree, is the primary ingredient in all types of chocolate. Because of its lack of milk and relatively pure form, the benefits of dark chocolate are different from milk chocolate.
Here are 6 health benefits of dark chocolate:
High In Antioxidants Dark chocolate has more antioxidant activity than milk chocolate. Research shows that consuming milk along with dark chocolate prevents the absorption of antioxidants. To get the most antioxidants out of chocolate, it is best to go with dark.
Heart Health Recent studies suggest that chocolate may contribute to good cardiovascular health. The plant phenols in dark chocolate help reduce blood pressure, improve blood flow and may have minor anti-clotting effects as well. The antioxidants in chocolate help prevent plaque build-up in the arteries, which can lead to heart disease and stroke. Dark chocolate is also a great source of copper and potassium, which are known to be essential minerals in maintaining good cardiovascular health.
Bone Health Cocoa is a good source of calcium, iron, magnesium, copper and potassium. These minerals are essential for healthy bone growth and reducing the risk of bone disease like osteoporosis.
Not only does chocolate contain a good amount of iron, but it is an excellent source of copper, which helps the body absorb iron.
Brain Health Many of the complex compounds found in chocolate have mild, positive impacts on the brain. Caffeine and theobromine act as mild stimulants to increase brain activity and phenylethylamine (PEA) releases endorphins in the brain. This may attribute to the blissful, sometimes sensual feelings one obtains after eating chocolate. In fact, PEA is the same chemical the brain releases when people are "falling in love." Additionally, lab rats have shown signs of increased cognitive function when given supplements of the same compounds found in chocolate.
Cancer Prevention Aside from the known effects that eating foods high in antioxidants has on preventing cancer, there is no definitive research to suggest that dark chocolate or other cocoa products alone can help prevent or treat cancer. However, preliminary lab tests are promising. It is thought that consumption of dark chocolate may help inhibit tumor growth and reduce the growth of cancer cells. 
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Castor Oil for Wrinkles

One of the oldest treatments for aging skin is castor oil. Even the ancient pharaohs in Egypt used it on their skin. In modern times, many people use castor oil without realizing it, because it is a popular ingredient in commercial skin moisturizers and other products. If you are looking for an effective anti-aging treatment, then castor oil for wrinkles is one of the best and most affordable options available.
Moisturizing Effects When castor oil is applied to the skin it moisturizes and prevents dryness. Moisturized skin looks younger and fresh. Wrinkles will become more pronounced if the skin dries out.
Blood Flow Another reason that castor oil is beneficial for skin health is because it improves the circulation of the skin when it is applied. Improved blood flow allows the skin to get more oxygen and nutrients which help to prevent the signs of aging.
Antioxidant Benefits When you are using cold pressed castor oil, there are antioxidants available to fight free radicals in the skin cells. Free radicals have been linked to wrinkles, so castor oil is a great way to reduce and prevent wrinkles.
How to Apply Castor Oil The best way to prevent and treat wrinkles with castor oil is by washing your face as normal and then applying the oil directly on your skin. It will soak into the skin and most people do not experience an oily skin surface after using the oil. Be sure to cover the wrinkled areas the best, focusing on areas such as the eyes, mouth, neck and forehead.
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6 Health Benefits of Grapefruit

Named for the way the fruit hangs in bunches (like grapes), the grapefruit is a nutritious member of the citrus family. It comes from sunny Barbados and is thought to be the result of the natural cross pollenization between the orange and the Asian pomelo. Today the greatest quantity of grapefruits is produced by the United States, followed by China and South Africa.
Here are 6 health benefits of grapefruit that may make you want to include it in your diet on a regular basis.
Rich in Vitamin C Being a member of the citrus family, grapefruit is also a great source of vitamin C, the great immune system supporter. As such, it is recommended against the common cold, for many studies have indicated that vitamin C relieves the severity of cold symptoms. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C protects our bodies against oxidative stress caused by free radical damage and the inflammation associated with asthma and arthritis.
Oxidative stress can also cause a number of other severe medical conditions, such as heart disease and stroke, and has been connected to a host of cancers, such as mouth, throat, lung, stomach and colon. Vitamin C also helps to replenish the amount of vitamin E in the body.
Lower Cholesterol A recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry was performed on 57 patients who had had coronary bypass surgery. One group of participants added red grapefruit to their diet, another added blond grapefruit, and the third group didn’t add any grapefruit at all. The results showed that those who had the red grapefruit lowered their cholesterol the most and lowered their triglyceride levels, too. Both types of grapefruit lowered "bad" LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol in only a month, and dramatically more than the control group.
Prevents Kidney Stones Grapefruit contains a compound called d-limonene that prevents the formation of and dissolves renal stones. One study from the British Journal of Nutrition found that women drinking a half a liter to a liter of grapefruit juice every day lowered the pH levels of their urine, thereby decreasing the risk of developing kidney stones. However, if you are already being treated for kidney problems, grapefruit juice may impede the effectiveness of any medications you may be taking.
Cancer Prevention Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, a powerful ally in the fight against free radicals that cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is associated with many different types of cancer. Studies have shown grapefruit juice to be effective against lung cancer by impeding an enzyme that activates cancer-causing chemicals. In colon cancer it encourages the suicide (apoptosis) of cancer cells and the production of healthy cells. A recent study found a compound in grapefruit called naringenin to be effective against prostate cancer too, as it helps repair damaged DNA in human prostate cells.
Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives grapefruit its red color and another antioxidant in its arsenal. A group of phytonutrients in grapefruits called limonoids help prevent tumors by promoting an enzyme that causes the liver to expel more toxins from the body. Many studies have also shown that limonoids aid against cancers of the mouth, skin, lung, and stomach. The pulp of grapefruits contains glucarates, a type of phytochemical that has been shown effective against breast cancer.
Weight Loss Grapefruit, which itself is fat free, contains a high number of fat-burning enzymes. Studies have shown them to alter insulin levels, thereby affecting metabolic rates. It’s not sure whether this explains how they cause weight loss, or if there’s something to them that satiates the appetite in some other way, but studies show they do work.
Skin Health The high amount of vitamin A in grapefruit endows it with powerful antioxidant properties to combat skin damage caused by oxidative stress. Grapefruit helps maintain adequate moisture levels in the skin, protecting it from dryness, psoriasis, acne, and wrinkles.
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Vitamin C for Weight Loss

Research has found a link between vitamin C consumption and weight loss. Here's what you need to know.
Ascorbic Acid and Obesity One study published on pubmed.gov found a link between ascorbic acid and obesity. Researchers discovered that weight loss on the group consuming ascorbic acid on a daily basis was larger than the weight loss of the control group taking placebos. Ascorbic acid is vitamin C, so this means that increasing vitamin C consumption may help to improve weight loss results.
Fruits and Vegetables with Vitamin C Another study completed by researchers at Arizona State University found that inadequate amounts of vitamin C may actually be linked with a hindrance in weight loss. A diet lacking in fresh fruits and vegetables, which are great natural sources of vitamin C may prevent a person from losing weight.
Exercise and Fat Burning The same study mentioned above at ASU also discovered that one reason vitamin C and weight loss may be linked is because of the fat burning rates during exercise. It was found that people who were consuming higher amounts of vitamin C were able to burn 30% more fat during exercise.
Blood Sugar Levels It has also been discovered that higher levels of vitamin C consumption may result in better management of blood sugar levels. Diabetics should be increasing their vitamin C consumption, and people who have not been diagnosed with diabetes should increase their vitamin C because blood sugar management prevents weight gain.
Some of these research studies have suggested that vitamin C supplements alone do not help with weight loss, but that the vitamin C needs to be combined with other weight loss efforts. When a person is already exercising and eating right, they can add vitamin C into their routine in order to ramp up the weight loss and maximize their efforts.
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