Tuesday 7 August 2012

Cinnamon For Blood Sugar Control

Studies have found that cinnamon may be great for blood sugar control. Here are 6 ways cinnamon may help regulate glucose and protect from the ill effects of diabetes.
Slows Stomach Emptying Rate Cinnamon can reduce rising blood sugar levels after meals because it slows the rate in which your stomach empties after you eat.
Increases Glucose Metabolism Research suggests that cinnamon helps the body process glucose at very high rates. In one study, patients consumed 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon per day. After 40 days, blood sugar levels were reduced by 24%.
Increases Insulin Activity & Production
Molecules called polyphenolic polymers found in cinnamon are believed to cause the body to produce more insulin. More insulin helps remove excess sugar from the blood. One study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, showed that compounds found in cinnamon extracts may increase insulin activity in the body 20-fold.
Stimulates Insulin Response Test tube and animal studies show that cinnamon stimulates insulin receptors, which allows the body to respond better to insulin, thus normalizing blood sugar levels. These studies also suggest that cinnamon may inhibit enzymes that inactivate insulin receptors, which increases the body's ability to process glucose. Rats given a daily supplement of cinnamon absorbed 17% more glucose than rats not fed the supplement.
Possible Substitute For Insulin More studies are needed to prove exactly how effective cinnamon may be in combatting diabetes, but many researchers already believe that it may be a natural, effective supplement for insulin. This may be particularly beneficial to patients with type 2 diabetes, who may react poorly and even develop resistance to insulin medication.
Enhances Antioxidant Defenses Cinnamon is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, preventing oxidation better than almost any other spice. Antioxidants have proven essential to ones health for a variety of reasons, including diabetic care.
 Original Article Here


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