Sunday 12 August 2012

poultry breed : Modern Game

Black Breasted Red
Brown Red
Golden Duckwing
Silver Duckwing
Red Pyle
Standard Weights: Cock-6 pounds; hen-4-1/2 pounds; cockerel -5 pounds; puliet-4 pounds.
Skin Color: White.
Egg Shell Color: White or light tint.
Use: A strictly ornamental fowl.
Origin: Modern Games were developed in Great Britain.
Characteristics: A tightly feathered bird with long legs and neck, which give it a tall, slender appearance. The males of the Modern Games should have their combs and wattles removed to enhance their long, slim shape. The feathers of Modern Games should be short, hard and held very close to their bodies. They do not stand cold weather well because of their short feathers and need plenty of exercise to maintain muscle tone.
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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poultry breed : Matrouh

An attempt was made to develop a breed of chickens which could be as a well - developed foundation stock in order to be utilized in the process of establishing a hybrid for egg production (Matrouh) is the name given to this  breed which has been developed in Borg El-Arab Poultry Research Farm  Matrouh, from a cross between the White Leghorn and Dokki 4, using systems of breeding coupled with selection. The new breed - which is auto-sexed - resembles the White Leghorn in body shape and the Barred Plymouth Rock in plumage color. This breed has a single comb and white ear lobs .
Matrouh was found to be superior to Dokki 4 with respect to average annual egg production and average egg weight . This breed of chickens could be more adapted to the unfavorable condition imposed in Egyptian farms.
Taha.H.Mahmoud et al .Agric.Res.Rev.June,74:87-96. (submitted by Prof. Dr. Taha Hussein Mahmoud, Agriculture Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt)
 original Article Here

poultry breed : Minorca

Rose Comb Black
Single Comb White
Single Comb Buff
Standard Weights: Single Comb Black: Cock-9 pounds; hen 7-1/2 pounds; cockerel-7-1/2 pounds; pullet-6-1/2 pounds. All others: Cock-8 pounds; hen-6-1/2 pounds; cockerel-6-1/2 pounds; pullet-5-1/2 pounds.
Skin Color: White.
Egg Shell Color: White.
Use: Developed for the production of very large chalk-white eggs, the Minorca is today principally an exhibition fowl.
Origin: Developed in the Mediterranean area where they take their name from an island off the coast of Spain. Development may have been as an offshoot of the Spanish breed.
Characteristics: The largest of the Mediterranean breeds, they are long, angular birds that appear larger than they are. They have long tai Is, large wide feathers closely held to narrow bodies. Minorcas have relatively large combs and wattles. Good Minorcas are stately, impressive birds and can give a fair return in eggs, although in recent years they have not been intensively selected for that purpose. They are rather poor meat fowl because of their narrow angular bodies and slow growth. Minorcas rarely go broody, are very alert and fairly good foragers.
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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poultry breed : Matrouh

An attempt was made to develop a breed of chickens which could be as a well - developed foundation stock in order to be utilized in the process of establishing a hybrid for egg production (Matrouh) is the name given to this  breed which has been developed in Borg El-Arab Poultry Research Farm  Matrouh, from a cross between the White Leghorn and Dokki 4, using systems of breeding coupled with selection. The new breed - which is auto-sexed - resembles the White Leghorn in body shape and the Barred Plymouth Rock in plumage color. This breed has a single comb and white ear lobs .
Matrouh was found to be superior to Dokki 4 with respect to average annual egg production and average egg weight . This breed of chickens could be more adapted to the unfavorable condition imposed in Egyptian farms.
Taha.H.Mahmoud et al .Agric.Res.Rev.June,74:87-96. (submitted by Prof. Dr. Taha Hussein Mahmoud, Agriculture Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt)
 original Article Here

poultry breed : Malay

Varieties: Black Breasted Red.
Standard Weights: Cock-9 pounds; hen-7 pounds; cockerel-7 pounds; pullet-5 pounds.
Skin Color: Yellow.
Egg Shell Color: Brown.
Use: Strictly an ornamental fowl.
Origin: A very old breed coming from Asia, they have changed little in modern times.
Characteristics: Malays are very tall and appear bold and perhaps cruel due to their projecting eyebrows. They are closely feathered with short feathers and carry their bodies inclined upward with tail low or drooping. They are rugged and have a reputation for vigor and long life. They require exercise to maintain muscle tone and hardness of feather. Most hens will go broody but are not a good choice because their long legs don't fit easily in a nest.

Dr. Joe Berry, Extension Poultry Specialist, Department of Animal Science, Oklahoma State University
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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poultry breed : Leghorn

Single Comb Dark Brown
Single Comb Light Brown
Rose Comb Dark Brown
Rose Comb Light Brown
Single Comb White
Rose Comb White
Single Comb Buff
Rose Comb Buff
Single Comb Black
Single Comb Silver
Single Comb Red
Single Comb Black Tailed Red
Single Comb Columbian
Standard Weights: Cock-6 pounds; hen-4-1/2 pounds; cockerel 5 pounds; pullet-4 pounds.
Skin Color: Yellow.
Egg Shell Color: White.
Use: An egg-type chicken, Leghorns figured in the development of most of our modern egg-type strains.
Origin: Leghorns take their name from the city of Leghorn, Italy, where they are considered to have originated.
Characteristics: A small, spritely, noisy bird with great style, Leghorns like to move about. They are good foragers and can often glean much of their diet from ranging over fields and barnyards. Leghorns are capable of considerable flight and often roost in trees if given the opportunity. Leghorns and their descendants are the most numerous breed we have in America today. The Leghorn has relatively large head furnishings (comb and wattles) and is noted for egg production. Leghorns rarely go broody.
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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poultry breed : Langshan

Standard Weights: Cock-9-1/2 pounds; hen-7-1/2 pounds; cockerel-8 pounds; pullet-6-1/2 pounds.
Skin Color: White.
Egg Shell Color: Brown.
Use: A general purpose fowl for the production of meat and eggs. The general shape of the Langshan makes them better suited to roaster and capon use than as fryers.
Origins: Langshans originated in China and are considered one of our oldest breeds.
Characteristics: Langshans enjoyed considerable popularity in the U.S. during the latter part of the 19th century. However, today they are primarily an exhibition fowl. They appear to be very tall, with long legs and tails carried at a high angle. They are active and quick. The black variety has.a deep greenish sheen when viewed in the proper light. Many other breeds were created using Langshan blood in the foundation matings. They are a good general breed; females go broody and make good mothers. Their feet and legs are feathered but not as fully as the Cochins or Brahmas. Long legs and narrow body conformation leave much to be desired as a meat bird by today's standards.
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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poultry breed : Lamona

Lamonas have single combs, appear short legged and are one of the few chickens with red ear lobes that lay whiteshelled eggs. No varieties.
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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poultry breed : Lakenvelder

An old German breed best known for its color pattern (black hackle and tail on a white body). They are quite small, non-broody, lay white shelled eggs and are rather wild and flighty.
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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poultry breed : La Fleche

 A very rare breed with a pair of spikes in place of a conventional comb. La Fleche are black, of medium size and very active. They are strictly ornamental fowl.
 Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
 Watt Publishing, 122 S. Wesley Ave., Mt. Morris, IL 61054 USA
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poultry breed : Gray Jungle Fowl

 Watt Publishing, 122 S. Wesley Ave., Mt. Morris, IL 61054 USA
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Poultry Breeds : Green or Forked-Tail Jungle Fowl

 Watt Publishing, 122 S. Wesley Ave., Mt. Morris, IL 61054 USA
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Poultry Breeds : Houdan

  Mottled
  White
Standard Weights: Cock-8 pounds; hen-6-1/2 pounds; cockerel 7 pounds; pullet-5-1/2 pounds.
 Skin Color: White.
 Egg Shell Color: White.
 Use: An ornamental fowl that is also a good egg producer and fairly good as a meat bird.
 Origin: Houdans originated in France where they enjoy a good reputation as a high class table fowl.
 Characteristics: Houdans possess a crest, beard and muffs and have five toes on each foot. Their rectangular bodies are set on fairly short legs. They are one of the better ornamental breeds for general utility use. Because of their crest, they require plenty of space and feed and water containers that prevent them from getting the crest wet anddirty, especially in cold weather. Because of the fifth toe, baby Houdans often walk with a skipping gait.
  Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
 Watt Publishing, 122 S. Wesley Ave., Mt. Morris, IL 61054 USA
 Original Article Here

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