Thursday 9 August 2012

Avocado for Acne

Avocado combats acne from both the inside and out. Many facial masks and other skin cleansers on the market include avocado. Here's why using avocados for acne is a great natural option.
Linoleic Acid Avocado is quite high in linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid. One study found that acne sufferers have low levels of linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, in the fat beneath their skin. Linoleic acid works against acne in part because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to keep the skin moisturized.
Vitamin E Avocados are a great source of vitamin E. Studies have found that vitamin E is beneficial for skin health. It's a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage caused by poor diet and environmental toxins.
Vitamin E also boosts the immune system and a healthy immune system is also important in the fight against acne. In addition, vitamin E aids in digestion which may in turn keep the complexion clear of blemishes because your body will be processing nutrients more efficiently.
Fiber and Cleansing Avocados are a great source of fiber and therefore a good cleansing food that may help rid the body of toxins that may lead to acne.
Apply Avocado to the Skin You may consider using avocado directly on the skin to help the acne heal and prevent more breakouts. See our Avocado Face Mask Recipefor a healing, anti-bacterial, anti-aging recipe to try. 
 Original Article Here


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