Wednesday 8 August 2012

Anti-Aging Properties of Vitamin C

Aging is an inevitable process that everyone experiences, although there are a few things that can be done to slow the aging process. Recent studies have found a link between vitamin C and anti-aging, and some natural remedies use this vitamin to prevent the signs of aging.
Elements of Aging There are two aspects of aging: lifespan and appearance. Even though most people are only focused on the appearance, certain anti-aging treatments can also extend lifespan. Vitamin C can help to reduce the physical signs of aging and keep internal functions in good condition.
Cellular Damage People age as a result of damage on a cellular level. A normal process called oxidation occurs and cells need to replenish and re-grow in order to recover from the oxidation. When free radicals are present in higher levels, then the cellular damage will occur more quickly, causing aging to accelerate. However, getting enough antioxidants, such as vitamin C, can slow this process by reducing the amount of free radicals in the body.
Age Related Diseases Another benefit of vitamin C in the aging process is the fact that it helps to strengthen the immune system, which can be beneficial in preventing age-related diseases.
Werner's Syndrome and Aging When a person has Werner's syndrome, aging and age-related diseases are accelerated. The FASEB Journal found that an increase in daily vitamin C can stop the aging related to Werner's syndrome and vitamin C may even reverse the damage that has already occurred.
 Original Article Here


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