Monday 13 August 2012

poultry breed : Turken

The Transylvania Naked Neck is often called Turken. Some people think it is a cross between a chicken and a turkey because of the unfeathered area on the neck. This skin turns red when exposed to the sun, further paralleling the turkey. However, this is actually the result of a single gene that affects the arrangement of feather-growing tracts over the chicken's body. It can be easily introduced into any breed. Turkens have no feathers on a broad band between the shoulders and the base of the skull. They also have a reduced number of feathers on their bodies but this is not evident until the bird is handled. Turkens should be given protection from extremely cold temperatures as they have far less insulation than their normally feathered cousins. This characteristic is a novel feature that does not detract from the utility of the bird.
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
 Mt. Healthy Hatcheries, Inc., 9839 Winton Road, Mt. Healthy, Ohio 45231 Phone: (513) 521-6900
 Original Article Here


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