Tuesday 14 August 2012

poultry breed : Polish

White Crested Black
Non-Bearded Golden
Non-Bearded Silver
Non-Bearded White
Non-Bearded Buff Laced
Bearded Golden
Bearded Silver
Bearded White
Bearded Buff Laced
dard WeightsStan: Cock-6 pounds; hen-4-1/2 pounds; cockerel -5 pounds; pullet-4 pounds.
Skin Color: White.
Egg Shell Color: White.
Use: A strictly ornamental fowl.
Origin: Probably eastern Europe, although they are so old that their history has been obscured.
Characteristics: Polish are an unusual and beautiful breed. They have a crest (some also possess a beard and muffs), are small, tightly feathered birds, fairly active despite restricted vision due to their large "head gear." They need plenty of space to avoid damaging each other's crests by picking. Ice forming in their crests from drinking water can be a problem in cold weather. And sometimes their crests restrict vision and cause them to be easily frightened.
Content providers for this page include:
Dr. Joe Berry, Extension Poultry Specialist, Department of Animal Science, Oklahoma State University
Chicken Breeds and Varieties (A2880), John L. Skinner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
 Original Article Here


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